After all that

She left him 5 years ago. Without giving any news. Nothing. She probably left him on impulse. It was 5 years ago and now she pops up just like that, to have a coffee, to apologize...

Original Title : Après tout ça Staring : Nicolas Beaucaire and Elodie Huber, Philippe Moutte, Cédric Jouary and Kai-Lin Huang, Sylvie Bocher, Jerôme Sneuw Co-written with : Nicolas Beaucaire Cinematography : Matthieu-David Cournot Sound mix : Perrine Prieur Film Editing : Christophe Averlan Music and lyrics : "Après tout ça", Christophe Averlan Performed by : Valérie Zacomer Format : HDV Production : M COMME IMAGES ©2011

Private screening Ateliers Varan / International Film Festival of Vébron 2010 / Shots events at La Péniche Cinéma / L'escurial Cinema / Film market of Clermont Ferrand 2011

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